A (very) mature student

So, I’m back studying again…

After the shut-in madness of the last couple of years, I needed something to get me out of the house (work from home, for those of us who’ve been doing it for a long time, has its downsides!). Next step – enrolling at my local Uni, the University of Sussex, to do my long-delayed MA. Thanks to a wonderful reference from my long-time friend, colleague and all-round superstar, Mary O’Hara, I got in to study Modern and Contemporary Literature.

Expecting to feel like a crusty old has been, I turned up to my first seminar, where – thank you, Stephen – I was not the only ‘very mature’ student. And what a joyful experience it has been so far. Without exception the young people I’ve met so far have been enthusiastic, interesting, friendly and – the word I keep thinking of is – bouncy. These gorgeous students, from many different countries and with a huge range of personal experiences and outlooks, have renewed my faith in youth, humanity and the world.

The only downside for me has been my, at times, uncontrollable enthusiasm. Despite writing myself regular notes saying ‘shut up Alexis!’, I have had to apologise to every tutor so far for talking too much. But it’s all so interesting, and challenging, and life-affirming that I’m already planning my PhD thesis (cart before horses anyone? I still have to plan my MA thesis).

And, whenever I start to feel too old to be studying, I just think of my grandmother. Who graduated with a qualification in Theology at the – even more mature than me – age of 90.